Welcome to In The Present Tense!------------------------------Celebrating 20 Years of Pearl Jam

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Philly '91!

The 1991 bootleg section has been updated with the show at JC Dobbs in Philadelphia on 7/12/1991! Nice little set in the early days. Must have been amazing to see "Breath" and "Alone" in such a tiny place. Enjoy the show!

07/12/91 - JC Dobbs: Philadelphia, PA [45m]
support act: Carnival of Souls and Mellow Vibe
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Oceans, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Alone, Breath
notes: Ed thanks the opening bands and makes a reference to Mother Love Bone playing there in the past. 'State of Love and Trust' and 'Oceans' are played live for the first (documented) time.

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