Welcome to In The Present Tense!------------------------------Celebrating 20 Years of Pearl Jam

Saturday, June 28, 2008


The 2008 bootleg section has been updated with the Columbia, SC show! This one is currently available in MP3 only. Something went wrong with the FLAC uploads so have to up them again. Enjoy the MP3s for now!

Columbia, South Carolina Colonial Center 6/16/2008:

Set 1
Can't Keep, Why Go, All Night, Hail Hail, Sad, Severed Hand, Red Mosquito, I Am Mine, Even Flow, Off He Goes, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Present Tense, Whipping, I Got Id, Army Reserve, Glorified G, Do The Evolution
Encore 1
Inside Job, Given To Fly, Education, W.M.A., Better Man, Save You, Porch
Encore 2
No More, Footsteps, Alive
Encore 3

1 comment:

JT said...

The MP3 is pointing to the FLAC files. Do you have just a MP3 recording?
