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Monday, August 3, 2009

8/1/09 Ride & Punxsutawney "Phil"

My ride on Saturday was interesting for a variety of reasons. First, it was early as hell (up at 5:45 am) and I drank nearly a full bottom of wine the night before. Not the best thing to do for the legs in the morning but damn did that Zin taste good?! So with my legs feeling like cinder blocks I saddle up and hit the trail shortly after 6:00 am. Not far down the trail I come upon a slew of deer, which is not uncommon by any means, and stop to snap a few pics. You may be able to tell from the pic that they didn't stick around very long to see what I was up to.

Anyway, as I was stowing my camera back in my jersey pocket on my back, out of no where, comes along another rider from behind me. He was an older gentlemen, maybe 65ish, and he instantly struck up conversation with me as he noticed I had taken an interest in the deer. It wasn't long before I found myself riding side-by-side with this fella and having quite a pleasant discussion about a variety of non-sense including hunting, children, our bike routes, and on and on for 20 minutes or so. It wasn't really what we were talking about that stuck with me about this man but, more his mild manner and seemingly stellar outlook on life. He had recently moved to the area from Western PA to be closer to his children and grand children. He loved to get up early and either go for a ride or take a walk to begin his day. Just an extremely genuine person it seemed.

As quickly as he came into my life he was gone. We ended our time together at the bottom of Spring Mountain where we exchanged goodbyes and "enjoy the rest of your ride!". I never did catch my new friends name but I decided I shall remember him as Punxsutawney "Phil" since he came from that small town across this long state. He still owns a 50 acre farm out there with a fly fishing creek that runs through it. I hope to ride with you again "Phil". Be sound.

I wish I would have snapped a photo of "Phil"...

1 comment:

OSMA said...

what a great post! i love those chance encounters you described: the deer, the early ride, the phil. keep riding, keep nikon'ing, and keep posting; it all makes for some very excellent story. you have a devoted reader in me.