Welcome to In The Present Tense!------------------------------Celebrating 20 Years of Pearl Jam

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two More Added From '91

The 1991 bootleg section has been updated with two more shows from the "Mookie Blaylock" days. Show info is below (Taken from Two Feet Thick concert chronology). Enjoy the music!


02/08/91 – God Save The Queen: Long Beach, CA (Mookie Blaylock) [35m]
supporting: Green Jello
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Alone, Alive, Deep, Porch
notes: The band is introduced as “the band had played other places in California, and is now playing here, and has former Mother Love Bone members, and is now called Mookie Blaylock.” Ed talks about playing the Florentine Gardens: “Last night we played the Florentines, which is a cool place! The security people are really nice over there.” “No shit, Eddie!” some guy in the crowd shouts. A very cool, short concert with lots of crowd interaction with the power and vibe of the band bursting out.

02/11/91 – Club With No Name: Hollywood, CA (Mookie Blaylock) [25m]
supporting: Alice in Chains
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Breath, Porch
notes: Ed discusses the band’s name (Mookie Blaylock) and that they are expecting a call from Mookie’s lawyer demanding the band change their name (”… like tomorrow … probably the next time it’s gonna be a different name … like … Nuclear Love Frogs.”)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How 'bout that? A bootleg update!

Finally ack with a bootleg update after a long long time away from uploading shows. I took some time to get organized and will hopefully be able to keep the additions to "The Vault" comling on a more regular basis. So lets not waste anymore time with chit chat... Here's the goods.

Added to the 1991 bootleg section is the 02/07/1991 show in Los Angeles, California!! This one includes the track "Brother" being played for the first time ever. One of only 7 times now in the 20 year history of the best band on the planet! Enjoy the show!


Source info:

Pearl Jam (Mookie Blaylock)
Florentine Gardens
Los Angeles, CA

Source:    ? > cass > DAT > CDR > EQ > CDR > FLAC

01. Release
02. Once
03. Even Flow
04. Alone
05. Breath
06. Brother *
07. Garden ^
08. Porch ^
09. Why Go ^

* Only known time played live
^ First time played live

EQ by FGE, compiled by Dan Leehr (dan@theskyiscrape.com) on 07/11/2004 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Soccer at 3

If you want to see something funny sign your 3 year old up for soccer (or football or futbol, whatever you call it) and enjoy the show. Josie started soccer last Sunday and overall it went pretty well. She did great in practice. Followed the coaches instructions and seemed to have a blast. Sometimes it seemed more like she was playing rugby as the concept of "no hands" is not something that's easy for this 3 year old to understand.

Normally a pretty good kicker this video tells a different story. The story of "The Stuck Leg". For some reason the foot just doesn't want to move forward! Of course Dad found it quite humorous!

Once the game started Josie was spent. We had already been there over an hour and the fact that she couldn't play with her brand new pink soccer ball well... you would have thought the world was coming to an end :) Oh well. I think she had fun for the most part. We'll see what this Sunday brings.

Lily was hanging out on the sidelines watching big sister and munching on pretzels in the jogging stroller. She eagerly awaits her turn on the turf!

(Picture below not from the game. Lily at school playground)